If you interested in any model of CAMABIO product and want to know more details
You can direct send a inquiry to cama@camabio.com, we will arrange a expert to direct contact with you within 3 hours ( BeiJing time 9: 00 to 18:00)
If you already bought samples from CAMABIO's distributor, how can you get support?
A. Direct ask our distriutor for support
B. You still can send a Email to cama@camabio.com, then our expert will tell you the file password of download center and answer your technical questions.
If you need maitenance service for the product, how can you get support
A. If you bought product from our distributor, you should contact with our distributor
B. If you bought direct from CAMABIO, CAMABIO will arrange a expert to follow your case.